Future of Automotive Services: Balancing AI and Human Touch

Future of Automotive Services: Balancing AI and Human Touch

April 30, 2024


Imagine your check engine light goes on telling you to get your car in for service- what would you do first? You'd probably grab your phone. But here's the big question: Would you rather call or use a mobile app/website to book an appointment? 

We asked people in several automotive-related LinkedIn groups to find out how they prefer to schedule their car repairs and maintenance. The answers showed a strong mix of those who liked the personal touch of talking to someone and those who preferred using the digital platform and AI.

Poll Summary: A Deep Dive into Customer Choices

The collected data presents a rich tableau of customer preferences:

  • Human Interaction Remains Dominant: A significant 61% of respondents favored speaking directly with a human, even if it meant waiting. This trend was consistent across different wait-time scenarios, indicating a strong preference for personalized service.

  • Emergence of Digital Platforms: Approximately 29% of participants showed a preference for using websites or apps, reflecting an openness towards digital booking solutions.

  • AI-Assisted Services: While not as popular as human interaction, there's a noticeable interest (~8%)  in AI-assisted services, particularly if they can offer reliability (40%) and time-saving benefits (34%).

Analyzing Customer Preferences: The Human Touch vs. Digital Efficiency

The Appeal of Human Interaction

  • Trust and Complexity: Customers tend to trust human judgment more when it comes to complex decisions or issues, such as car repairs.
  • Personalization: Speaking with a human provides a sense of personalized care that is currently difficult to replicate with technology.

The Rising Tide of Digital Solutions

  • Convenience: Digital platforms offer the convenience of booking services at any time and from anywhere.
  • Efficiency: Automated systems and AI can reduce waiting times and streamline the booking process.

The Role of AI in Enhancing Customer Service

While AI is less favored compared to human interaction today, its potential to enhance service efficiency cannot be ignored. The key to increasing acceptance of AI in service booking lies in:

  • Reliability: Ensuring that AI systems are reliable and provide accurate information.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Highlighting how AI can save time and potentially reduce costs for customers.

Strategic Implications for Automotive Service Providers

Integrating Technology with Human Service

To cater to diverse customer preferences, automotive service providers should consider a hybrid approach:

  • Human-AI Collaboration: Use AI to handle routine queries and bookings, while escalating complex issues to human operators.
  • Enhanced Training for Human Operators: Equip human operators with advanced tools and information systems to provide quicker and more effective service.

Investing in Reliable AI Systems

  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly update AI systems to handle a broader range of queries and integrate seamlessly with human-operated systems.
  • Customer Education: Educate customers on the benefits and reliability of AI systems to increase their adoption.

Role of 11Sight

11Sight provides a structured path that enhances customer interaction by seamlessly integrating AI and human, ensuring that every customer interaction is efficient, personalized, and satisfactory. Here’s how automotive service providers can leverage 11Sight:

Phone Call

  • Initial AI Response: When a customer calls, the AI assistant answers first. This assistant efficiently handles routine inquiries and basic information requests, even service booking.

  • Human Escalation: If the customer's needs exceed the AI's capabilities or if the customer prefers human interaction, the call is seamlessly escalated to a human service representative. This ensures that more complex issues are handled with the necessary expertise and empathy.

Digital App/Website

  • Engagement via Chat: Customers start by interacting with an AI-driven chat, which can provide immediate answers to common questions and handle simple requests.

  • Human Interaction: If the customer requires further assistance or if the query is too complex for the AI, the chat can escalate the conversation to a live human agent. This allows for more detailed and nuanced handling of customer issues.

  • Instant Audio/Video Call: In scenarios where a text-based chat is insufficient, the system can further escalate the issue and offer to instant connect with the agent via an audio or video call. This can help to have detailed discussions that require visual explanations.


The insights derived from LinkedIn polls underscore the importance of balancing technological efficiency with the human touch. As automotive service providers aim to enhance their customer service operations, integrating platforms like 11Sight can help bridge the gap between digital efficiency and personalized care, shaping the future of automotive service booking.
